
Kontron Webinar

Kalender 2024

25.11.2024 (10.00 am.) "New trends from the SPS 2024"

28.10.2024 (10.00 am.) "Why production in Europe? – our Motherboards are made in Germany"

30.09.2024 (10.00 am.) "Innovation through Combination - How Kontron hardware and software products shape IoT"

24.06.2024 (10.00 am.) "Space problem? OSM solutian!"

27.05.2024 (10.00 am.) "KontronOS: No one can hack it!"

29.04.2024 (10.00 am.) "Kontron Annual Report and Strategic outview"

25.03.2024 (10.00 am.) "5G: How to implement it in your factory floor"

26.02.2024 (10.00 a.m.) "Bringing the Modules Business to the next Level:COM HPV"

29.01.2024 (10.00 a.m.) "Device-Management and connectivity included: How does this work?"

Kontron plant jeden Monat ein 15 minütiges live Webinar, eine Registrierung (Login) ist nicht nötig.

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